Eine nette Lektüre ist dieses kleine eBook, das sich in einer Artikel und Interviewsammlung mit den Hürden und Erfahrungen von erfahrenen Strategen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Strategieentwicklung und Strategieimplementierung beschäftigt.
Brightline and Thinkers50 collaboration bringing together the very best thinking and insights in the field of strategy and beyond. If you ask a manager what excites them about their job, what gets them out of bed in the morning, what provides meaning to their work, their answers tend to be similar no matter where they are in the world, who they work for or what their job is. Distilled to three words it is: Getting things done. Strategy@Work showcases some of the very best thinkers in the field of strategy and beyond. We hope that it acts as a catalyst for readers to get things done.