„Why we find it hard to be our real selves online, and why we’re all in the Dark Forest now.“
Artikel zum Schlagwort: Links
„Stoicism was one of the oldest schools of philosophy in ancient Greece and Rome. Read this to know how you can be a Stoic in this modern age!“
„Early humans’ ability to tame fire — which took hundreds of thousands of years to develop — changed the course of history. Human biology too. Taming fire led to cooked food which increased the calories in human diets, growing the size of our brains. Fire was and is pivotal. But fire is also dangerous. It kills people. It’s difficult to tame. It’s not easy to get. We see ourselves as far more advanced than our ancestors, but we face a strikingly similar situation today with a force just as powerful and mysterious. Our fire is called data.“
BlueOcean uses automation to deliver affordable brand audits in seven days
„BlueOcean is a new startup offering companies a relatively fast and affordable way to see how their brands are performing and what they can do to improve.“
Das systemische Versagen in der ersten Millisekunde
„Egal: Ich finde, dass Systemisches Denken und Ganzheitlichkeit richtig gute Konzepte sind. Wenn ich nur wüsste, was man praktisch damit anfangen kann – außer Geld verdienen, meine ich.“
Degrowth and MMT: A thought experiment
„Let’s start by clarifying what degrowth is trying to do. Degrowth has two parts: an ecology part and a social justice part. It seeks to (a) reduce excess resource and energy use (specifically in high-income nations) in order to bring the economy back into balance with the living world, and (b) to do so while at the same time reducing inequality and improving people’s access to the things they need to live long, healthy, flourishing lives. “
How to Reimagine the Second Half of Your Career
„You’re not done growing.“
Bookmarked on August 21, 2020 at 05:14PM
To the future occupants of my office at the MIT Media Lab
„To the occupant(s) of E15-351 Re: About the window. Hi. My name is Ethan Zuckerman. From 2011-2020, I enjoyed working in this office. I led a research group at the Media Lab called the Center for…“
Bookmarked on August 19, 2020 at 10:27PM
„Platform data do not provide a direct window into human behavior. They are direct records of how we behave under platforms’ influence.“
Bookmarked on August 17, 2020 at 09:12PM
Learn to Solicit Feedback … from Your Kids
„Performance reviews aren’t just for the workplace.“
Bookmarked on August 07, 2020 at 06:55AM