Our new normal

„A smaller number of people develop what I’ll call an active awareness. By this I mean consciously operating within a broader arena than their immediate desires. Having an active awareness means being able to see the bigger picture, think conceptually about future events, and consider the needs of others. An active awareness creates a larger perimeter of self-interest.

We all move through life with a passive awareness. An active awareness is something that has to be cultivated. Through experience, structured thinking, meditation, or other methods of self-reflection.“

Bookmarked on April 11, 2020 at 09:10AM

Zwei Termine in eigener Sache

Ein Hinweis auf zwei kleine, aber feine Termine in der letzten Novemberwoche (24.-30.11.), auf denen ich etwas zu sagen habe. Mittwoch, 26.11.2014 in München, um 19 Uhr Podiumsdiskussion: Strategische Krisenkommunikation 2.0 Im Rahmen der Podiumsdiskussion zu Krisenkommunikation in Social Media … Weiterlesen