„In Data Voids: Where Missing Data Can Easily Be Exploited, Michael Golebiewski of Microsoft teams up with danah boyd (Microsoft Research; Data & Society) to demonstrate how data voids are exploited by manipulators eager to expose people to problematic content including falsehoods, misinformation, and disinformation.”
Artikel zum Schlagwort: Digital
Die Phasen wären folgende:
- Die frühen Netzwerk-Utopien (1985 – 1995)
- Remediation (1995 – 2005)
- Kontrollverlust (2005 – 2015)
- Das Neue Spiel (2015 – 2025)
- Restrukturierung (2025 – 2035)
Setting up a research hub is easy. Setting it up to succeed is harder.
Why Innovation Labs Fail, and How to Ensure Yours Doesn’t
Digital innovation laboratories are everywhere — and observant onlookers have had a few years to evaluate the results. I’ve had the privilege of meeting many of Singapore’s bank and insurance innovation teams and have heard numerous inside stories that give me a unique perspective on their successes and failures.

Use the 2019 Gartner Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing and Advertising to prioritize your marketing technology investments.
6 Technologies on the Gartner Hype Cycle for Digital marketing and Advertising, 2019
For today’s marketers, mapping the online purchase journey has become a top priority. But does it matter more than you think?
cita is a feminist indie press publishing public-domain books written by women. We make carefully designed books available free in both print and web formats.
The Parametric Press is an experimental new project, a born-digital magazine dedicated to showcasing the expository power that’s possible when the audio, visual, and interactive capabilities of dynamic media are effectively combined.
Der Medienphilosoph Vilém Flusser gilt als einer der Propheten digitaler Kommunikation. Er klärt, wie Kommunikation in der Neuzeit funktioniert.
SWR2-Wissen-Podcastfolge: Vilém Flusser – Die Gefahren digitaler Kommunikation